Day Soda #13: Oops, All Music! Edition

Plus: A look ahead at 2024

Day Soda #13: Oops, All Music! Edition

Welcome to Day Soda, the only newsletter about music. Seriously—there’s no one else writing about music out there! Kind of strange, considering that music seems to be pretty popular, don’t you think?

So popular, in fact, that you probably saw a lot of your friends sharing something called a “Spotify Wrapped.” First released in 2016, Spotify Wrapped is a sneaky little way to make omnipresent data collection fun. It also serves as a marketing tool, with delightful graphics that help show your social network how good (or deranged) your music taste is. It’s become such a popular part of the platform that it’s now a table stakes feature for other streaming platforms, as well as brands like Dunkin and Culver’s for some reason.

I switched back to Apple Music earlier this year, so I got an “Apple Music Replay” a few weeks ago instead. It didn’t try to send me to a queer commune, but I did still get some nice graphics and a playlist of my top songs. So, today on Day Soda, I wanted to share a few of my favorite songs from the last year, cultivated with the help of Apple’s incessant data collection.